Great find.
They also get complimentary rooms or upgrades to executive suites for each 40 or 50 rooms they manage to sell to the dubs.
i guess tax payers get to subsidize the conventions, who knew!.
no wonder they really push people to book through the congregation rather than privately, directly - it's all about the rebates!.
Great find.
They also get complimentary rooms or upgrades to executive suites for each 40 or 50 rooms they manage to sell to the dubs.
you guys do know that if you just leave and never go back you wont be disfellowshiped right?
i know people who have done exactly this.
you have to commit a sin and you or someone else has to tell a elder.
So true!
He surely knows we are a 'lost cause' to JWdom. From a JW viewpoint, Believer has absolutely no valid reason to read here, let alone post anything here. The only reason he does so is his unconscious need to break free.
- The 5 stages of grief and loss are:
- 1. Denial and isolation;
- 2. Anger;
- 3. Bargaining;
- 4. Depression;
- 5. Acceptance.
- People who are grieving do not necessarily go through the stages in the same order or experience all of them.
it was the year 2011. remember that one?
surprise, surprise -- it wasn't one of their predictions.
it was from one of their competitors, harold camping.. "religious leaders sometimes predict tragic worldwide events to warn mankind and gather followers.
What Londo said. And even as a coincidence 1914 sucks.
According to JW Jesus became king (again) in October, and then kicked Satan to earth.
So why did the first and most notable sign of those events - WWI - begin already months before that?
But that is a question to must be answered when looking at current JW fairy tales.
Looking at their original predictions, they explicitly said that if a Great War started in Europe (that everyone and their mother was preparing for in an arms races starting decades before 1914), that would not matter as it is not a part of the Biblical events.
Instead, they expected 1914 to be the end of Armageddon.
So their original predictions failed big time, and the nonsense they made up many years after 1914 doesn't fit history.
we are currently living in a country where at the cinema the national anthem is played before the start of the movie and it is law that you stand.
does anyone know what current jw thinking is on this?
i know there has been various changes over the years.
I thought real true Wachtowerians in the first century didn't go to PAGAN theathres and arenas at all. They avoided being pressured into false worship of their nation.
hello all - long ago i posted under sosad..... cant get back under that name so hello again.
i though i remember in hte last couple of years that there was a change in the strict practice of not clinking glasses and toasting,,, that it was more of a conscience decision.. was i dreaming this?
any help towards printed information on this subject is very much appreciated..
Toasting can 'even now can be viewed as asking ‘heaven’ for a blessing, as if seeking aid from a superhuman force'.
Yeah, JW don't like seeking aid from superhuman forces at all. It's not like they ever ask God through Jesus to help them out with angels and holy spirit...
hello all - long ago i posted under sosad..... cant get back under that name so hello again.
i though i remember in hte last couple of years that there was a change in the strict practice of not clinking glasses and toasting,,, that it was more of a conscience decision.. was i dreaming this?
any help towards printed information on this subject is very much appreciated..
Toasting today may not be viewed by many as a religious gesture. Still, there are valid reasons why Christians do not share in toasting, which has a religious background and even now can be viewed as asking ‘heaven’ for a blessing, as if seeking aid from a superhuman force.—Exodus 23:2.
That is the most recent thing on toasting I can find (Stay in Gods Love is newer, but simply refers to this article without adding info)
The article I quote from is an excellent example of how to contradict yourself. Basically there are no real arguments but 'Watchtower says so'. Which may be why some have taken that as 'without Bible base objections, it's a matter of conscience'.
it has been awhile since i posted.
but i wanted to say a few things that may help those recovering from the watchtower, especially if you have just discovered ttatt.
it is with humility that i come here to express these thoughts.
But the problem is, you are now in a bigger box (Christianity). The painful truth is, you never chose that box either.
DO NOT RUN FROM THE WATCHTOWER INTO THE BIGGER BOX. Your exit is your birthday. You simply have not lived yet. YOU NEED TO BE IN CHARGE OF ALL CHOICES
Very well explained, and so true. It applies to all of us. Thanks for sharing.
i just came home from a day in nyc and was taken to the met for the the woman and her offspring tour i went to keep peace and just enjoy my family.
i've been to the metrpolitan museum of art on many occasions and have enjoyed spending time wandering thru the exhibits appreciating the art and history.
since all family members wanted to do the tour by the wts entitled a woman and her offspring, i thought i could just follow along and just enjoy the art and exhibits.. in all honesty, i'm still amazed at this whole tour.
Just in case their lack of knowledge of their own religion's history is an issue, this title from the same series is a bit more familiar for most JW:
i just came home from a day in nyc and was taken to the met for the the woman and her offspring tour i went to keep peace and just enjoy my family.
i've been to the metrpolitan museum of art on many occasions and have enjoyed spending time wandering thru the exhibits appreciating the art and history.
since all family members wanted to do the tour by the wts entitled a woman and her offspring, i thought i could just follow along and just enjoy the art and exhibits.. in all honesty, i'm still amazed at this whole tour.
What wing and circle symbol did Satan use?
This one?
And/or this one that good Jehovah worshipping king Hezekiah used?
hi guys.. "brother" jose is quite possibly the most sinister speaker i've ever seen or heard.
and i've seen/head a lot of cults in my time.. he's over the top with his voice tone and gestures.
i see a future governing body member in the making here:.
If this guy worked for a different religion/cult and I were still a JW, I'd surely think he's possessed by demons.
It's a good thing I don't believe any of that nonsense anymore.